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Labia Augmentation

Women generally want their genital area to look aesthetic without causing any physical discomfort when they visit a sauna, wear bikinis or tight fitting pants, have sexual intercourse or while they go cycling. While few women have enlarged labia, which are small flaps present outside the vaginal opening on either side, few women have small labia majora either naturally from birth or as a result of age. While enlarged labia can be treated through Labioplasty, small labia require Labia augmentation procedure which involves an autologous fat transfer in order to make the labia proportional in size.

Involuted outer labia is corrected by injecting fat from other parts of your body to the labia for long term results or by using fillers for short term results. The fat grafting method involves a typical liposuction procedure by taking excess fat from abdomen, thighs and flanks area followed by centerfusion of the fat to purify it which is then injected under the skin surface of Labia majora. The procedure is simple, which takes one to two hours, and the patient is sedated with local or general anaesthesia. Although the transfer takes only a few minutes, multiple injections are necessary as the body naturally breaks down 20-30% of the fat injected.

Since it is a minor surgical procedure, no major complications can be observed post-surgery. Patients may experience secondary bleeding or small risk of infection due to the liposuction procedure. The patient can get back to normal life with sexual activity after two weeks of the surgery.

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